Hopeline Christian Society and partners have helped repair 25 homes and provide food and medical relief in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew.

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Jeff Mooradian

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About the Founder


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Hopeline can help make your dreams like this come possible. Changing you, other ministries and those needing Jesus' love around the world.

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CowgirlCongratulations to the "Cowgirl" in Liberia...

Annette, is a local girl from Middlebury, Indiana who has always wanted to go somewhere on the mission field.

Unfortunately, work, life and finances have gotten in the way. Working with Hopeline Christian Society Annette has turned her desire to help lonely and hurting people into a ministry in her local area.

Aka, “The Cowgirl” now visits isolated and lonely people as a “Postcard from God” to let them know they are loved.

Even more amazingly her “Cowgirl” ministry has become a large part in helping her being to able to go on a 2 week missions trip last June that has changed her life forever.

Annette was the first missionary to ever visit this orphanage :) All of thier lives will be changed forever. Hopes and dreams that come true will last forever and never be forgotten.

The goal of Hopeline Christian Society is to help Christians fulfill their calling and show their love for God to a world that needs His love and hope, Locally and Globally.

  • Learn how to help in your own community;

  • Learn how to develop your own long term support program;

  • Learn how to help those living in poverty around the world.


“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” 

Galatians 6: 9, 10 

New Hope Academy, an orphanage in Liberia with over 350 children that Hopeline Christian Society along with Annette and several others have been helping on and off over the last couple of years.


This year we are working to help Kyler and Laura Paige and their team go on a missions trip to Slovenia this summer. They will be working with Josiah Venture to run a English Camp with the JV missionaries there.




Hopeline Christian Society (HCS) helps support Christian Ministers and Missionaries from any Christian Church Denomination, Christian organization or Indepentant Missionary who help others in need through $10 - $20 monthly love gifts from caring Christians. We cannot presently add any more new longterm support without more monthly donors. HCS directly supports Christian Ministers and Missionaries as well as helps Christian Ministers and Missionaries to raise their own support. Hopeline Christian Society has no phone number because we have no employees. 100% of your donation helps those in need.


How It Works for Those who Want a Life In Missions...


Bank and Major Credit Card Donations


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16



Hopeline Christian Society Introduction Video


“Encouraging, Equipping and Mobilizing
Christians in the Pursuit of Living
the ‘Two Great Commandments’
and the ‘Great Commission,’
    Locally and Globally."


Hopeline Christian Society is a 501 (c) (3) charity in the United States that helps Self-Supported Christian Ministers and Missionaries around the world Financially. You can donate online via bank account and credit cards through the Donate Button or PayPal Buttons or by sending a check payable to Hopeline Christian Society at P.O. Box 1046 Newport, WA 99156. 100% of your donations will go directly to Christian Missionaries helping and providing for those in need. CHARITABLE TAX RECIEPTS will be sent by email within 2 weeks of the end of this year. We have no paid employees. If you have any questions please send an email to info@hopeline.org

Hopeline Christian Society is a US Federal Charity (Number #46-3228497).
Hopeline Christian Society receives no federal support or grants.
Only those who want to personally help.

Hopeline Christian Society maintains control of all charitable tax deductible gifts to go where we deem the best way to meet the purpose of this 501 (c) 3 organization. If you would like your donation to go to a desired mission of missionary please put their name on a separate piece of paper or note with your donation and we will do our best to fulfill your desires. I hope the below link helps to satisfy you and to know why Hopeline Christian Society and other Christian organizations have this policy.


You can also follow us on Facebook Page or our Missionary Facebook Page.



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